Our fifth annual forum – on video!

On the 29th October 2016 at the Loughborough Link Hotel we staged our fifth forum and this time there were several factors that made it different to what had gone before : First, there were several different topics featured instead of one theme being the entire focus of the day.                                                                                                                                                             Second, I was the main organiser of the event as our chair John Telford had stepped down: It can be difficult to maintain standards as high as John did but on the flip side he left a very good template for us to follow.                                                                              Third, for the first time we had the event filmed and while it was necessary to condense things a bit you will get a good idea of how the day went when you watch the videos which were split into five files.Follow the links to the video files and you will find:

Park 5: Imelda Noble (of Chris Onslows’ academy) demonstrates exercises for balance. Our most popular presenter took note of the fact that not everyone could see her during the exercise session by filming the routine again after the forum was over . At just over 13 minutes you can use this as an ‘Exercise with Imelda’ routine at home to improve balance, flexibility and strength. As with Chris Onslow, interested professionals out there can contact Imelda for training courses of a much more advanced nature.

Park 4: Arthur Roach PhD, Parkinson’s UK Director of research explains ‘Virtual Biotechs’and the ways and means being utilised to speed up drug development and accreditation. The ‘Critical Path’ is opened up and big pharma co-operation following on trails founded by university scientists is actively being sought and signed-up like never before. A long video? Yes, but prepare to be inspired and encouraged!

Park 1: Chris Onslow from Mbodies Training Academy takes us through facts and figures relating to Parky peoples’ biggest problem: BALANCE! He explains several types of balance and ways to train this ability. Interested professionals can contact him for his comprehensive training course of exercises specifically developed for MS, Parkinson’s and other neurally-challenged people.

Park 3 : Dot Clowes, an independent alternative therapist, tells us about Bowen Therapy.

Caroline Bartliff discusses Apps for speech difficulties (please note Caroline is not a doctor although the video suggests otherwise). Leo Whiteman and Joy Brough from EAT (Electronic Assistive Technology) explain options from a basic phone to Stephen Hawkings’ computer ‘voice’.

Park 2: Dr. Rob Skelly gives us up to date information on the ongoing Excellence Network; a medium-length but data-packed video!



  1. Thanks for your comment but could you please let me know what glitchs you are referring to. At the moment I do not know what is wrong with this so cannot fix it – let me know what needs correcting and I will try to get it done.


  2. The new channel is great but I do3&#n9;t think YouTube can fix all the glitch and have it released to every YouTube member by July 15 unless all the glitch is already fixed behind the scenes and YouTube is just waiting for the 15th to update the channels and release it.


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